What to do, what to do?

What to do, what to do?

I'm at a loss for inspiration food-blogging-wise these days. I think (hope?!) you all know what it's like - it's not because you don't cook, it's just because - well, maybe what you cook are old standby's, maybe they look goddam-awful, maybe you forgot to take the picture (although the Boyfriend has started joking that he never gets to eat before I get the perfect shot) - maybe your thoughts are elsewhere, or as in my case, should be elsewhere (exam, yes, again. Not until another two months, but our school has made it their case to make sure we only have 4 days for catching up on all the "insert cursing phrase" we didn't have time to read before exam is actually there - so we have to start now to try and get through all of it)

I thought I had things planned, with pictures already up-loaded and ready for a couple of catchy words, but alas, it's just not so much fun posting about things you've done a looong time ago - the memory of tastes, textures and trials during their making are not as crisp and fresh as they were when you'd just done them, hence the wording of it, not very fresh and crisp either. I want to post about cake today, not the Jerusalem artichoke gratin from Jamie Oliver I tried the other night...

There's nothing more boring (okay, there might be!), than blogs that never updates. On the other hand, it's also a waste of time reading completely uninspired posts as this one (heh - got you!) I like the fact that I have my Dining with the Bloggers, the IMBB's?, the SHF's, WBW's et all forcing me to do stuff, but on the other hand, would like for Food & Thoughts to be more than that.

I've been thinking about doing more out of me living in Copenhagen. As it is, I guess I could be based almost everywhere, 'cause the food wouldn't tell you I am in fact in a gorgeous, old city in Scandinavia. I like themes - I love Sam's idea of her India Curry & Spice Week coming up this week. Hmm, maybe I should do a cakewalk week? Of course, that would imply me spending time away from the books - see what I mean, I'm SO trying to dodge school!

Anyways - I've added a notify-me list, so you don't have to stroll by every now and again to check if I've gotten round to do a new post - check the right hand bar for it. Meanwhile, feel free to comment with all of the great suggestions of things you'd like to see here - I'm sure inspiration will stop by in my head any day soon and I'll get my butt back in gear again... Because funny enough, that often happens when you've complained about the lack of it! Irony, nes pas?

- Dining With The Bloggers - November 23rd
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- The Commenters Meme
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } I have walked around a lot like this lately... Is it just me or is it getting REALLY...

- Brain, Don't Fail Me Now...
Once upon a time, I was a straight A student. Once upon a time, I finished all my papers in due time, written in perfect Danish, spell checked and with correct grammar. All of my math, physic and chemistry papers was presented as they should be, with...

- Striving For Perfection, With Panna Cotta & Pomegranates
A couple of weeks or so ago, a very wise woman told me something important. She told me that sometimes, you can get so afraid of not doing things perfectly, that you end up doing nothing at all. I never thought of this before. I like to believe that...

- Brain Food
I've been so privileged as to have my man cook for me almost every night, since I started reading for my exam - yes, you're right, that's for the last month or so. I miss my kitchen. I SOOO miss my kitchen. Well, and I guess, just life...

