Dining with the Bloggers - November 23rd

Dining with the Bloggers - November 23rd

When I started thinking about what I wanted to make for Dining with the Bloggers this week, bread came immediately to mind. The only problem was I didn't start thinking about it until Monday night and there simply wasn't enough time to make a yeast bread, which is what I really had my heart set on. In any case, when I thought of bread I thought of Kelli at Culinary Epiphanies. With her "BOTW" or Bread of the Week posts, it's a natural place to go looking for a bread recipe. She also seems to favor whole grains, which appeals to me.

I found a yeast bread I really wanted to try, but started doing the math and realized I would be up all night. So, I searched on "quick" to see what kind of quick breads I might turn up and found a recipe for Spiced Applesauce Bread which sounded pretty great. I didn't have any applesauce on hand, but did have a three Ginger Gold apples that had been hanging out in the refrigerator a little too long. Tuesday morning I quickly pared the apples and cooked them with just a bit of water. After a few minutes I mashed them with a potato masher and measured out the amount needed for the recipe. There was a little extra sauce which I polished off (I believe that's referred to as the cook's reward?) . It was surprisingly sweet, despite the fact that I hadn't added any sugar.

I made the bread Tuesday evening after work. Such a simple recipe! The wet ingredients are mixed together in a bowl, the dry ingredients are sifted in and then blended in. I used a cup of whole wheat flour as Kelli suggested, but forgot to add the pecans. The bread was beautiful and really good. I love raisins in quick breads, so I'd be very tempted to add them (as well as the pecans) another time.

Old apples may not turn black and ugly like old bananas, but I do find myself avoiding them as they get older. I like crisp, juicy apples, and I think apples tend to get mealy and mushy the longer they sit. Anyway, I think this bread may be the answer to that problem! Of course, plain old applesauce is another great alternative, but this bread is a real treat - thanks Kelli!

Be sure to stop by Zarah's and see what she's cooked up!

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