Blog Party#19: Take Comfort

Blog Party#19: Take Comfort

Blog Party#19: Comfort Food

As much I as enjoy an elaborate and architectural wonder on my plate now and then, or I may 'ooh' and 'aah' over the fancy presentation and expensive ingredients of a dish, there are times when all I want is a bowl of mashed potatoes.

No, not fingerling potatoes run through a ricer, then mixed with creme fraiche and topped off with truffle oil.

I mean, a bowl of violently beaten Idaho potatoes, flavored only with milk, butter, and a bit of salt and pepper.

And over the course of the past few years, I admit I've been spoiled when it comes to chocolate. I have tasted the most exquisite, high-quality, chocolate bars. Chocolate that has been hand-crafted, made with as much cocoa as legally possible.

But there are some days...days that seem to go on for weeks...when all I want is that brownish bar wrapped in maroon and silver; I want to snap off each piece and let it melt in my mouth. It just makes me feel good.

There are times when all I want is Comfort Food.

And this month, that's what we're going to do.

The challenge of February's Blog Party is this: turn your favorite comfort foods (and I assure you: you will not be judged!) into appetizers.

Whatever it is (sticking with food, of course) you turn to just to feel better, down-size it. Dress it up, if you must. That goes for the drinks, too...when you're down, worn-out...what do you drink? Milkshakes? Hot tea? We'll take it.

Bite-sized comfort foods; that's what we're after!

We have a short month this time, so your entries will be due Thursday, 15 February (that's right after Valentine's for those keeping track), with the round-up posting Saturday, 17 February. RSVP to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.

For newcomers, here's the 'rules'.

What, in my opinion, qualifies as cocktail food:

All you have to do is make ****AT LEAST ONE appetizer AND cocktail**** (that's a minimum of one EACH); take some photos, and write about it.

Still have questions? Here's a fairly helpful guide.

Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Comfort Food + Blogging

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