Blog Party#21: Let's Have a Picnic

Blog Party#21: Let's Have a Picnic


Here in Tennessee it's absolutely beautiful. Sunny skies, trees and flowers in bloom, warm weather without the buzz-kill of humidity (for the moment). Everything sings "Spring is here! And Summer's coming, soon!".
A walk through the produce section of a nicer grocery store proves it, with gorgeous tomatoes, berries and melons.

This is the time of year I most want to be outside. Within a month, it will be so humid I'll not dare venture out of my air conditioned bubble. But right now, an afternoon spent on blanket-covered field, the sun beating down on my SPF-smeared face, and a picnic lunch are exactly what I wish for.

So for April's Blog Party, we're having a picnic. A picnic of bite-sized sandwiches, spoonfuls of cold salads, and icy drinks.

This month, think of all your favorite picnic foods, and cut them down to size! You'll want both a beverage and an an appetizer, don't forget.

For those new to Blog Party, or anyone needing a refresher course, read on:

What, in my opinion, qualifies as cocktail food:

All you have to do is make ****AT LEAST ONE appetizer AND cocktail**** (that's a minimum of one EACH); take some photos, and write about it. Get your entries to me no later than Thursday, 19 April: either leave a link here in the comments, or send it to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the round-up on Saturday, 21 April.

Still have questions? Here's a fairly helpful guide.

Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Picnics
+ Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Blogging

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