Blog Party#23: Sci-Fi Party

Blog Party#23: Sci-Fi Party

The first day of June has come and gone, and I know you've been waiting to hear about this month's Blog Party. Sorry! It's just that I've been away...alien abduction? Out-of-body experience? Sucked into a parallel dimension?

That's for me to know, and you to keep on guessing.

But hopefully, you've got a clue to our latest cocktail party theme: Sci-Fi.

Oh, yes it is. This month, we're going the route of the weird and wonderful.

This is a chance to experiment, to use your imagination. Or, to break out your DVD set of the original Star Trek series, and 'replicate' (ha!) some of the foods from the show.

Explore your favorite science fiction and fantasy novels, rent movies...or just get creative.

Because for June, we're turning our amazing appetizer-making powers on Stun(ning), and creating the most Sci-Filicious small bites.

This is your opportunity to get wild and crazy...use color! Odd shapes! Get spacey!

Ok, enough with the puns. Down to details.

Since we've gotten off to a late start, your entries will be due Thursday, 28 June. The party round-up will be held that Saturday, the 30th.

The rules are the same: each entry should include both an appetizer and a cocktail/mocktail/beverage, at least one of each. One is fine, more is fantastic.

Still want more? Here you go:

What, in my opinion, qualifies as cocktail food:

Still have questions? Here's a fairly helpful guide.

Your mission? Explore your cookbooks, find new recipes, and report back to Mission Control (that's me!) either by leaving a link in the comments (any post will do), or by sending an email to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.

Good luck!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Sci-Fi + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Blogging

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