Blog Party#11: Man Food

Blog Party#11: Man Food

I'm not sure how it happened.

Word of mouth, maybe? Perhaps there was a posting somewhere, and I didn't see it.

Mass emails? I just don't know.

Apparently, the message given was this: Blog Party=Ladies Night.

Ten Blog Parties under our stylish belts, and to date?

We've had exactly two guys show up.

That's it. Just two men, over ten months.

Don't get me wrong; I love hanging out with the girls. It's fun. But...

I love men.

No, no, no; I'm a happily married woman. It's not like that.

What I mean is, I love having guys around. I've always had 'guy friends'; somebody you'd never consider dating, but do (almost) everything with.

And despite being in a happy and committed relationship, I'm not afraid to admit something: Men who cook are sexy.

So...where are they? Where are all the amazing food blogging men?

Maybe our themes have been too girly? Nah, that can't be it, because we've done Big Game Night, and Vegas, Baby!; very guy-oriented stuff there.

Well, that's it. We need to let our male foodie friends know that Blog Party is an equal-opportunity event.

So this month, while we're sticking with the usual 'appetizer and cocktail' plan, all our dishes and drinks are going to be Manly.

That's right; we're making hors d'oeuvres and mixing up cocktails and mocktails for the guys.

It can be as fancy or low-key as you think the guys in your life (Significant Other, Father, Friend, Boss...whatever), or YOU, fellows, want. Just make it Manly (imagine booming movie-announcer guy voice every time you read that word).

What do guys like? The really depends on the guy (see how I don't generalize?).

Beef is a safe bet. Things cooked over an open flame. And fried foods are usually a hit.

And you know what? This month's Blog Party ties in with Father's Day here in America; same weekend! Here's your chance to make some great Manly goodies for your Dad!

Ok, in case you're new to Blog Party, here comes the fine print:

Blog Party is a virtual cocktail party for food bloggers. It's a chance to make those little bites and fantastic drinks we all love, but never make. Blog Party is about taking time for us: setting aside some time to cook (which, clearly, we all love), to prepare appetizers we want to eat but never get around to. And best of all, it's about getting together, albeit via the Web, with like-minded friends.

You can read up on the inner-workings of Blog Party, as well as check out past parties, here.

Now, for the 'rules'.

What, in my opinion, qualifies as cocktail food:

All you have to do is make AT LEAST ONE appetizer AND cocktail; take some photos, and write about it. It's pretty easy, really.

So for June, make all the Manly appetizers you can think of. Seriously masculine drinks. And let's see how many of our male food bloggers we can convince to join in this time...remember, cocktail parties are not just for girls!

Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 15 June...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, 17, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Events, Appetizers, Cocktails, Men, Guys, Blogging

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