Blog Party#14: Kids Party

Blog Party#14: Kids Party

Well, here it is. September.

September's a busy month. The kids are back in school, it's time for both high school and college football games, we try to cram as much summer-fun as we possibly can into the last few sunny weeks, some of us turn a year older, we start looking for those signs of Fall (my favorite season of all). It really is an event-packed month.

(I understand this doesn't always apply to my non-US friends...I just can't keep track of which season is going on where, sorry!)

But for the kids, it's an important time.

They're getting used to an earlier, and more regular, bedtime. They're meeting new teachers, and sometimes, new friends. It's exciting, and scary, and fun...all rolled into one.

That's an awful lot for a little kid to deal with!

So, I thought I'd dedicate this month's party to the little September, we're having a Kid's Party! both sweet and savory, of course...which are fun and cute and whimsical. Maybe even a little goofy and gross; hey, it takes all kinds, you know.

Drinks (alcohol-free, naturally!) with fun and fruity flavors, and bright colors...maybe even whipped cream on top!

Whether you have children of your own, or are just young at heart, we're having a Kid's Party.

Now, if you're new to the Blog Party experience, here's a few things you should know:

Blog Party is a virtual cocktail party for food bloggers. It's a chance to make those little bites and fantastic drinks we all love, but never make. Blog Party is about taking time for us: setting aside some time to cook (which, clearly, we all love), to prepare appetizers we want to eat but never get around to. And best of all, it's about getting together, albeit via the Web, with like-minded friends.

You can read up on the inner-workings of Blog Party, as well as read up on a whole year's worth of parties, here.

Now, for the 'rules'.

What, in my opinion, qualifies as cocktail food:

All you have to do is make AT LEAST ONE appetizer AND cocktail (that's a minimum of one each); take some photos, and write about it. It's pretty easy, really.

For September, get in touch with your inner child, think fun, and get working on those kid-friendly drinks and dishes!

Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 21 September...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 23rd, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Kids + Parties + Children + Blogging

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