Blog Party#10: Garden Party

Blog Party#10: Garden Party

Happy May, everyone, and welcome to the TENTH edition of Blog Party.

I know, I know; I can't believe it either!

When I was plotting out the different themes for each month (yes, I plan ahead), I wanted something just a little different for this month.

I've been watching the trees and flowers come to life, listening to the spring rain as I fall asleep, and doing some research into wedding cakes...and there were all those roses, and daisies, and...well, you get the picture.

So my way of tying all this stuff together?

For the month of May, we are having a Garden Party!

Yes, a Garden Party. Tea sandwiches, fruit tarts, and the perfect cup of tea. All in appetizer form, of course!

In case you're new to Blog Party, here comes the fine print:

Blog Party is a virtual cocktail party for food bloggers. It's a chance to make those little bites and fantastic drinks we all love, but never make. Blog Party is about taking time for us: setting aside some time to cook (which, clearly, we all love), to prepare appetizers we want to eat but never get around to. And best of all, it's about getting together, albeit via the Web, with like-minded friends.

You can read up on the inner-workings of Blog Party, as well as check out past parties, here.

Why not invite a few friends over, put the table outside, and set it with your prettiest linens and china? Prepare those cute little sandwiches and tarts (all bite-sized, of course!), and put on a pot of tea.

Or, just treat yourself to some fruit salad cups, cucumber and watercress sandwiches, and a nice cuppa.

Either way, make your dishes and post your entry containing at least one appetizer and drink (with pictures, preferably) to your blog. Post at any time. Send me your links by the third Thursday of the month (email address is provided below). That Saturday, I post a round-up...though we like to think of it as introducing our guests, and the amazing food they've brought along.

In addition, I also include some party tips: decorating ideas and sources, as well as themed-music selections.

By the end of the night, we've all made some friends and discovered new recipes. And frankly, had a good time without all the calories. And Best of all, you can add the new dishes to your own cocktail party repertoire!

Now, for the 'rules'.

What, in my opinion, qualifies as cocktail food:

For the month of May, make all your tea-time favorites into bite-sized treats. Brew a pot of tea, or a make a fabulous fruity drink. Think dainty, think cute!

Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 18 May...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, 20 May, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Events, Appetizers, Cocktails, Garden Party, Tea, Blogging

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