Blog Party#7: Red & Hot!

Blog Party#7: Red & Hot!

Here it is, the first day of February, and that means it's time for this month's Blog Party theme announcement!

Blog Party, everyone's favorite, and virtual, cocktail party (because, you know, there's soooo much competition out there).

It would have been nice and easy to make this month about chocolate, or heart-shaped foods, or something so obviously Valentine's-y. But to quote Tina Turner, I never do anything nice and easy.

No, this month Blog Party is all bout Red and Hot.

We're making our bite-sized foods, and our lovely cocktails, with ingredients that are red. Ingredients with heat. Or, both.

The theme might seem a bit restrictive, but in fact, your options are endless. Tomato, Bell Pepper, Strawberries, Rare Beef, Red-skinned Potato.

How about the full range of chilies? Cinnamon, ginger, wasabi, even.

Any way you can work 'hot' and 'red' into a dish, go for it.

And can you believe this is the seventh time we'll get together to celebrate the fantastic-ness of hors d'oeurves? We've had a blast over the last six months, and I know this party can only get better...thanks to you, and your continued support of my quirky little event.

But there's still a chance Blog Party has flown under the radar for many foodies, so with that in's a recap:

Blog Party is a virtual cocktail party for food bloggers. It's a chance to make those little bites and fantastic drinks we all love, but never make. Blog Party is about taking time for us: setting aside some time to cook (which, clearly, we all love), to prepare appetizers we want to eat but never get around to. And best of all, it's about getting together, albeit via the Web, with like-minded friends.

On the first day of each month, I announce a theme for Blog Party. Past themes have included Tiki, Big Game Night, and Holiday.

Food bloggers who want to join in have the next few weeks to think up or find recipes to go with the theme. One of the 'rules' for Blog Party is that each guest is to 'bring' both an hors d'oeurves and a drink, in accordance with the theme.

Make the foods and cocktails/mocktails you'd love to have at your own party. Better yet? Host a real cocktail party!

Either way, make your dishes and post your entry (with pictures, preferably) to your blog. Post at any time. Send me your links by the third Thursday of the month (email address is provided below). That Saturday, I post a round-up...though we like to think of it as introducing our guests, and the amazing food they've brought along.

In addition, I also include some party tips: decorating ideas and sources, as well as themed-music selections.

By the end of the night, we've all made some friends and discovered new recipes. And frankly, had a good time without all the calories. And Best of all, you can add the new dishes to your own cocktail party repertoire!

Now, for the 'rules'.

What, in my opinion, qualifies as cocktail food:

So, start thinking about what kinds of Red and Hot dishes you want to make. Entries are due Thursday, 16 February, with the round-up posted that Saturday, 18 January. You may post your entry any time before the 16th, just be sure to send an email with your link (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com), or leave it here in the comments, no later than 16 February!

So, save the date, and hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Events, Red, Cocktails, Appetizers, Parties,Blogging

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