Blog Party #3---The Big Game Night

Blog Party #3---The Big Game Night it already the beginning of October? That was quick!

And with the first of the month comes the announcement for Blog Party#3---The Big Game Night edition!

For those new to Blog Party, it's a virtual cocktail party for food bloggers. At the beginning of the month, I announce a theme for our party. On the third Thursday of the month, food bloggers post links to their party entries, or email me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. That Saturday, I put the party together, including music selections and decorating suggestions.

Our first two parties have been a big hit, and I do hope you'll join us this month, as well!

Here's a refresher course on the Blog Party rules:

Each entry should include at least one cocktail. This could be either alcoholic or non; either way, we're looking for a party drink!

Your entry should also include at least one appetizer dish. What qualifies as an appetizer/finger food? So glad you asked.

The food:

As you can see from the past parties, desserts (in bite-sized forms, of course) are more than welcomed here at Blog Party!

So, this month, think about your favorite sport (if you happen to be a non-sport following person, think about someone you know who's into football/soccer/baseball/basketball/etc), and what you would serve the night of the big game...Super Bowl, World Cup, World Series (except, of course, the world isn't actually invited...perhaps they should rename it the North American Series...), and so on.
Think hearty foods, think filling foods. But still bite-sized! Don't worry; there will be lots to eat!

Get your entries to me by 20 October, and I'll post the round-up on 22 October.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. And hope to see you there!

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