

Alex really loves that blue rice!

- Summer Jambalaya
Taking full advantage of this wonderful, miraculous 'I'll try everything' phase Alex is going through, we've been trotting out as many of our favorite dishes as we can. For a kid who wouldn't eat rice (beyond sushi) two years ago,...

- Why I Think He's Precious
This morning, over breakfast, Alex said: "I see ice." Me: "You see ice? Where?" Alex: "Ice, outside." Me: "Honey, there's no way there's ice out there. It's just too hot." Alex: "They said there'd be ice-olated showers!" Hee. It is my...

- Oooh, Pretty!
Found on Pop Culture Junk Mail, expect to see colored rice on store shelves soon! I'm not quite as opposed to it as Gael; I mean, we've had blue-fried rice for dinner. And recently, red. Why not try out the whole spectrum?...

- Snack Time
And what does my toddler like to snack on? Why, Nori Snacks and pickled Ginger, of course! I'm not making this up. Alex loves them both. He'll happily snack away on both. Matt and I say we're giving him all the advantages we never had. And...

- Simple Joys
You know, for all the fancy dishes I make, whether a recipe I've found or my own invention...sometimes, it's the pure, simple foods that bring the most pleasure. Alex? The boy loves yogurt! ...

