Snack Time

Snack Time

And what does my toddler like to snack on?

Why, Nori Snacks and pickled Ginger, of course!

I'm not making this up. Alex loves them both. He'll happily snack away on both. Matt and I say we're giving him all the advantages we never had. And trust me...seaweed strips and preserved ginger slices were not in my cupboards growing up.

And as snacks can a Mom complain?

- Snacks & Treats From The Winter 2015 Fancy Food Show
Are you a sweet snacker or a salty snacker? I like both and the Fancy Food Show is a snacker’s dream. Though it took place over a month ago I am still snacking on some samples I collected at the show. There was quite a range from healthy to indulgent,...

- Healthier Snacks & Treats
Snacks are part of the American way of life. We are a nation of snackers. Because I work from home, I have no "break room" stocked with drinks and snacks, but that doesn't mean I don't help myself to a nibble now and then. I most frequently indulge...

- Sensible Foods: Favorite Things
This won't come as any surprise to you I'm sure, but people are idiots. One day I experienced this first hand when I placed my laptop, which was inside a big backpack into the security machine at the airport. This was before the days of the...

- Nijiya:shop
Did you ever walk along the beach and see shiny little crabs scurrying sideways in the sand? Or maybe you saw crispy sun-bleached crab shells nestled among the driftwood, seaweed and beach glass that had washed up on the shore? Did it ever occur to you...

- Dining With The Bloggers - June 8th
I think summer arrived yesterday. We had a blazing hot and humid day - as is typical of DC summers - capped by a dramatic thunderstorm in the evening. Thanks to Dining with the Bloggers (and more specifically, Reid), I had the perfect summer evening...

