Yam Neua (Thai Salad)

Yam Neua (Thai Salad)

This was something we made purely because Matt loves Thai food.

And with that endless supply of mint in our garden, it was simply too good an opportunity to pass up. Plus, it's kind of pretty, isn't it?

We swapped out a couple of ingredients, using soy sauce instead of fish sauce, and I think we either skipped the cilantro entirely (we hate the herb) or substituted parsley.

And we made a vegetarian version, of sorts, for me, using Morningstar Farms Meal Starters. Of course, I'm not quite the fan of Thai flavors Matt is, so my dinner was somewhat modified to fit my requirements.

Matt must have enjoyed it; he ate two servings in what seemed like minutes. So, yeah...give this one a try.

Today is the LAST day to join this month's Blog Party! We're taking on the Wild, Wild West, and hope you'll join us.

You can leave a comment here, or email your links to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Thai + Beef + Salad + Mint + Cucumbers

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