I'm Back!

I'm Back!

Yes, I am here. With things to blog about.

First up; a really fast and easy recipe from Rachel Ray, Thai Glazed Chicken Lettuce Wraps.

I'm not kidding. Once everything is chopped, which is often the case with Asian food, it was mere minutes from stove to the dinner table.

First, cook chicken in really hot oil. Add all the veggies, except for the basil and cucumber, and cook for a couple of minutes. Add plum sauce, coating everything, followed by fish sauce (since I'm veggie and Matt's not crazy about fish sauce, I substituted soy sauce). Spoon into lettuce leaves (this is one of those rare times I allow iceberg lettuce; it's strong and crunchy enough to hold fillings like this), and top with cucumber.

This dish came together amazingly fast, and had a really good taste. Matt was quite pleased, taking the remainder of his chicken mixture to work the next day for lunch.
I, having very little experience with Thai food (see the above fish sauce comment), thought it had a good flavor, with the vegetables coming out just right. Yes, I know that's what stir frying is supposed to do, but I'm very picky about the texture of my veggies!

Matt made it clear he'd like to have this again. Since it really was so darn easy, I don't see that being a problem.

- Banh Xeo: Recipe
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- Thai Kitchen Disaster!
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- Worth The $5.75
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- Wonton Noodles With Chicken & Thai Peanut Sauce
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- Kind Of Like Re-gifting, Only Not
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