WBW Roundup...Coming Soon

WBW Roundup...Coming Soon

We had something on the order of forty entries for this round of Wine Blogging Wednesday. Even at a fast-paced fifteen minutes for each blurb about your posts, that's a good ten hours. And I've been scared to actually time myself.

So it's still to come. Thanks for your patience.

- Tasty Bites
Happy Friday! Here are some links to posts and a sneak peek at next week. Have you been reading my posts over at GlamDish? You really should. I'm posting four days a week and in addition to recipes and hot tips, there are also contests! Visit today...

- Woooooooooo-hoooooo!
It's back! I'm back! Too many days without access...I kept telling myself there was a time when we didn't blog or email, but it still felt strange. I've been on-line for maybe fifteen minutes, and almost feel a bit rusty! Ok, business....

- Reminder: Wine Blogging Wednesday
Have you unearthed a bottle with a pretty label yet? You know, for Wine Blogging Wednesday 16? No? Don't worry. You've still got a week. Find a bottle with a pretty label, open it, taste it, write about it on December 7, send me a link to your...

- Wine Blogging Wednesday 16: Judge A Bottle By Its Cover
We've all done it. We've stood in front of a wall of wine at the store and, unable to utter the incantation of producer and vintage and Parker/Laube pronouncements that will summon a magical bottle, we have chosen one solely for its pretty label. Wineries...

- Wbw 7 Roundup
Andrew has posted his summary of the 36 entries for the latest Wine Blogging Wednesday. His write-up provides links to essays and tasting notes from bloggers around the world who delved into the world of unsung reds. There are lots of interesting grapes...

