WBW 7 Roundup

WBW 7 Roundup

Andrew has posted his summary of the 36 entries for the latest Wine Blogging Wednesday. His write-up provides links to essays and tasting notes from bloggers around the world who delved into the world of unsung reds. There are lots of interesting grapes and good posts to explore.

He clearly faced a tough task with the summary and he ended up doing his write-up in three parts. Be sure and check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 for a handy guide to all the participants and their wines.

- Where Does Wine Lingo Come From?
Mike Steinberger has an interesting piece at Slate about how the modern wine tasting note, the "cherry-and-berry" style to use his term, came about. I have struggled to make my tasting notes readable, both here and in print, but I grew up in the "list...

- Psst! Hey, You! Want Some Cheap Brunello?
Jack sent me links to a guest blogger's posts at Brooklynguy's Wine and Food Blog. Deetrane is a wine bargain hunter, and found a great source for bottles well below market value. But you'd be right to suspect a wine source who provided awesome...

- Web Reads
Run, Forest Glen, Run! They call the Marathon du Médoc, through the vineyards of Bordeaux, the longest marathon in the world. But no one comments on the difficulty of finishing a full marathon where you drink wine at the rest stops. Maybe that's...

- Wtn: 2001 Zlati Grich Estate Laszki Rizling Ice Wine, Slovenia
Ice wine is something that shouldn't exist. The description alone—wine made from the juice of frozen grapes—suggests a topsy-turvy world. Look at the pictures. Pickers tromp through snowy vineyards at dawn in late December. They are...

- Wbw 4: New World Riesling
In the previous three Wine Blogging Wednesdays—the monthly wine blogging event concocted by Lenn—the hosts selected themes of New World Merlot from outside the U.S., Spanish Reds, and most recently Australian Shiraz. Enough with the reds...

