Psst! Hey, you! Want some cheap Brunello?

Psst! Hey, you! Want some cheap Brunello?

Jack sent me links to a guest blogger's posts at Brooklynguy's Wine and Food Blog. Deetrane is a wine bargain hunter, and found a great source for bottles well below market value. But you'd be right to suspect a wine source who provided awesome deals as long as you met him on street corners.

Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this tale of intrigue and suspense.

- Bargain Bank: Shop Closed
My name is Amy and I am a bargain hunter. I recognize it is a disease and I have no power over it. If I see a bargain, I don't just buy one, I buy two, three, four or more. And now I sometimes get on the phone to call others, do they want some? So...

- Send In The Clones
How distinct are Brunello di Montalcino and Chianti? The leader of a tasting group I've joined posed that question with a blind tasting of four wines, two from each appellation. Both regions sit in Tuscany, and both make wine largely from Sangiovese. There...

- Love By The Glass
Wine intimidates people. This won't come as a big shock, but it always surprises me nonetheless. I'm part of the problem. I love the whole experience of wine, and yet I obsess about trivia and tasting notes. It's the last part that tends to...

- Wbw 7 Roundup
Andrew has posted his summary of the 36 entries for the latest Wine Blogging Wednesday. His write-up provides links to essays and tasting notes from bloggers around the world who delved into the world of unsung reds. There are lots of interesting grapes...

- The Wine Bible
When I first saw Karen MacNeil's The Wine Bible, I was quite intrigued. Last year, determined to start learning something about wine, I took a wine class from UC Extension. A good class, by the way. However, I suspect one could get the same information...

