Vietnamese Steak Sandwich

Vietnamese Steak Sandwich

It was a sandwich. Southeast Asian flavors. Matt & I thought it just 'ok', but Alex loved it.

We love how much Alex goes for Asian flavors.

He & I, of course, were eating a vege-fied version of the recipe; using Morningstar Farms Meal Starters 'steak strips' in lieu of actual beef.

Really not much else to say...

This month, Blog Party's a little bit naughty as we indulge in our most favorite, uttermost cravings...for April, we're giving in to Devil's Food!

You have till Friday, 17 April to join; so go on...give in, you know you want to!

- Southeast Asian Steak Salad
How gorgeous is this? Thinly sliced beef, briefly stir-fried with red pepper, garlic & lots & lots of basil, on a bed of greens with a drizzle of lime juice. Sprinled with choped peanuts. Rice optional. Seriously good. I had a veggie version using...

- Worth The Repeat
Matt insisted we'd make this before; it wasn't until I actually took a bite that I had that 'oh, yeah...I remember this! moment. Apparently, we have made these Nigel Slater Steak Sandwiches. But with a sandwich this good, we didn't mind...

- Grilled Flank Steak Sandwiches
Grilled Flank Steak Sandwiches; something Matt's been looking forward to. Flank steak (or Morningstar Farms Meal Starters, faux beef) marinated overnight in Dijon mustard and red wine. Next day, pat dry the steak, grill about fifteen minutes. Let...

- I Hear That Potato's One Hot Tart...
First, I have to say: Galactica rocks! I can't wait for next Friday's finale, and at the same time...I don't want it to be over. Sigh... Enough of that. Back to the food. Friday's menu was a Steak Sandwich and Chile Potato Tart with roasted...

- Not From Philly Cheesesteak
I'm from Northwestern Pennsylvania. Within driving distance from Pittsburgh. Ask anyone from PA, and they'll tell you the state should be divided in two, down the middle. Because the West and the East are so very different. The main cities...

