Trying a Bit Too Hard

Trying a Bit Too Hard

Fried Egg & Cheese BLT

This came from one of the many cooking magazines that show up in my mailbox each month. I can't remember which.

And while I applaud the idea, it really was a bit too much.

I mean, the BLT is a pretty perfect food, as is. Adding a little something extra to it...ok, I can see that. A few months ago, I did that very thing.

But there is such a thing as trying too hard.

Here, the wonderfulness that is the BLT is 'improved' by adding both a fried egg, and a few slices of cheese.

The egg? That makes good sense. Eggs & bacon & tomatoes & toast? Yes. But the cheese...the cheese was the problem. Or rather, the cheese wasn't necessary. It was...insignificant. Unnoticeable. An afterthought, at best. The mildness of the cheese got lost among the comfort of the egg, the smokiness of the bacon, the heartiness of the toast. It became the fifth wheel.

So, topping the BLT with an egg: good. Fussing with it by adding the dairy? Not so much.

But I certainly enjoyed the research!

Celebrate Blog Party's Two-Year Anniversary! That's right, this month brings us Blog Party#24, and this time, it's all about you. It's Blogger's Choice! Make any kind of appetizer AND cocktail, and get those entries to me no later than Thursday, 19 July. Let's make this party the best one yet!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Sandwiches + BLT + Eggs + Cheese + Bacon + Tomatoes

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