As close to Santa Fe as I'm likely to get

As close to Santa Fe as I'm likely to get

A few weeks ago, I watched an episode of Giada's Weekend Getaways where she travels to Sante Fe, New Mexico. In addition to discovering this is a place I'd really like to visit, she was served (at some point in the trip) a most wonderful breakfast burrito.

It looked so simple, but brilliant. And I knew I had to make it for Matt.

Bacon and hash browns (I used a nice peppery bacon and latkes) are wrapped in a corn tortilla (ours were small, so I used two), topped first with grated cheese (orange, as Alex calls it) and then a fried egg. The whole thing is finished under the broiler, till the cheese melts.

I had the luxury of cooking the bacon and potatoes earlier in the day, so all I had to do when Matt got home was fry the egg, assemble, and broil.

It's so easy, and Matt loved it. So much so that I didn't actually see him eat it. I mean, I set it down for him, left the room to do something, and when I returned? Plate was clean.

For it's simplicity, and the fact he told me he'd definitely eat this again, I think this breakfast burrito will definitely show up again.

Blog Party#20 is underway, and this month, we're taking on the Shower! Turn fabulous treats into bite-sized party food, and stock up on fruit juice, because March is all about food and drinks for the Bridal or Baby Shower.

All you have to do is make ****AT LEAST ONE appetizer AND cocktail**** (that's a minimum of one EACH); take some photos, and write about it. Get your entries to me no later
than Thursday, 15 March: either leave a link here in the comments, or send it to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the round-up on St. Patrick's day, 17 March. Hope you'll join us!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Breakfast + Bacon + Eggs + Tortillas + Cheese + Burritos + Santa Fe + Giada

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