Tom Petty Said it Best...

Tom Petty Said it Best...

"The waiting is the hardest part"

Still waiting for the camera/computer issue to be worked out (stupid camera). I have a slew of pictures and posts, but have to wait until Matt goes back to work Tuesday (my grandmother has been in town visiting) to make things work properly.

To pass the time, head over to lovesicily and read the round-up from this month's Sugar High Friday...but do it early in the day; that's a lot of coffee!

You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part

Just a few days left to send in your Blog Party entries: deadline is Thursday (18 August)!

Till then...

- Blogging By Mail: What Now?
Well, holy cow. I knew you guys were excited about this, but I had no idea just how much. We have a final total of 117 signed up! Blogging by Mail: 10 Items or Less, you really love it!! You're probably wondering what happens next. Excellent question....

- Out With The Old, In With The
new camera! These are the last photos taken with the old camera...thank goodness. What a difference a good camera makes. My birthday dinner: I didn't get the new camera until after dinner!! vegetarian Italian wedding soup yuba-wrapped Veat breast...

- Irish Food For My Irish Grammy
My grandmother came down for a visit last week/weekend. It had been more than a year since I'd last seen her, so I was pretty happy about the visit. I made sure to feed her well, and on the final night of her trip, I cooked up an Irish dinner. Boille-stuffed...

- Sugar High Friday
It's SHF time again, hosted this month by Ronald of lovesicily (wonderful travel site, by the way...). Our theme is coffee...this is not good! For Matt and I are most definitely not coffee people. We don't drink it, don't cook or bake with...

- Shf Is One Week Away!
A reminder: Sugar High Friday is next week. One week from today! Have you figured out what molasses-rich dessert you'll make? All the world is waiting to see. Send me the link to your post when it's up on Friday. And if you don't have a blog,...

