Blogging by Mail: What Now?

Blogging by Mail: What Now?

Well, holy cow. I knew you guys were excited about this, but I had no idea just how much.

We have a final total of 117 signed up!

Blogging by Mail: 10 Items or Less, you really love it!!

You're probably wondering what happens next. Excellent question.

The very first thing you should do is make sure your blog is listed on the 'who's signed up' page. If you don't see it there, and you sent your information to me prior to the cut-off date, there's a good chance the message got lost. Leave a comment letting me know, and try re-sending.

As for me, well, I'll be spending the next several days sorting through all the entries (designating them either international or domestic), and matching people up.

Due to the large number of people, and the fact I that I really do try to pair people who might actually get along in real life, this will take a few days. It's my hope to have the whole thing sorted out by the end of the work week.

No later than Monday, I will email everyone with their swap information. In the past, there's been a teeny bit of confusion regarding this, so I'll mention it now.

Generally, people keep the whole thing a secret until their packages get to their destinations. Your swap partner's blog information is included, along with miscellaneous bits, to give you some idea of who they are and what they might like. Most BBM'ers prefer to reveal their identities only after a box has been opened. It's a bit more fun that way, but don't feel you absolutely have to. If you want to chat with your swap partner, hey...I won't stop you. I don't think I actually could, if I wanted to, but just the same...

When your swap info arrives, you have until Saturday, 18 October to send out your package. Once you've mailed it, be sure to send me an email letting me know. I'll keep track of all the packages, as best I can, on the 'who's signed up' page.

Once those boxes start circling the globe, it's Tom Petty time.

You know, "the waiting is the hardest part".

So, keep checking here for updates, and be watching your won't be long now!

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