Irish food for my Irish Grammy

Irish food for my Irish Grammy

My grandmother came down for a visit last week/weekend. It had been more than a year since I'd last seen her, so I was pretty happy about the visit.

I made sure to feed her well, and on the final night of her trip, I cooked up an Irish dinner.

Boille-stuffed Chicken with Creamy Red Pepper Sauce, Mixed Beans with Bacon and Almonds, Mixed Greens with Goat Cheese Fritters, and Blue Cheese Potato Smash.

Yeah, the picture's total crap. Bad camera, bad lighting in the dining room. And while that can be romantic...not so good for photographing food!

For the chicken, I pounded flat chicken breasts, then smeared a mixture of goat cheese (we couldn't find the Irish Boille), a bit of cream cheese, some herbs and lemon juice over them. Rolled them up and cooked them in a pan till just browned...then put them in the oven until done.

When it came time to serve, a sauce of roasted red peppers and cream...and other things I've already forgotten! Still; nice sauce.

For the potatoes, we just boiled them, then poured a blue cheese sauce over them...the potatoes were really soft, so we just smashed them up a bit. Not mashed, but broken up a bit. They look terrible in the photo, because they're white. And my camera hates white foods.

The salad itself wasn't a big deal, but each bowl was topped with three goat cheese fritters (yum), some almonds and dried cranberries. No photo, camera is crap.

And the beans? Just beans. No big there.

But Grammy cleaned her plate, which made me happy. I think she liked it.

Don't forget: just two more days to send in your Blog Party entries: deadline is Thursday (18 August)!

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