Tea for Three

Tea for Three

Smoked Salmon Pinwheels

We're a family that likes it's tea, as well as appetizers and other nibble-worthy foods, so it only makes sense to serve tea for dinner.

My dining room is the worst room for taking pictures, I'm afraid.

But, I set out several kinds of finger sandwiches, including the smoked salmon pinwheels above: sliced bread, rolled thin and spread with butter (we used Irish, because 1. it's Irish and B. it's rich and creamy and yum), a mixture of parsley and dill leaves, smoked salmon, salt & pepper and a dash of lemon juice, rolled, wrapped in plastic and chilled for a few hours, cut & served.

Avocado Bacon Sandwiches

Wheat bread, spread with butter, then avocado mashed with pepper and lemon juice, and topped with crumbled bacon. Veggie bacon worked quite well, too.

Lovely, light & airy scones. Sauternes jelly with thyme went very well with them.

Egg salad, yes...but I've taken to running the eggs through a ricer for a really soft, spreadable, texture.

Alex gets his own...PB & J and cheese.

A dense & spicy ginger cake, topped with stem ginger, to finish up. Served with a wonderful almond tea, it was a perfect evening.

You're invited to another Blog Party...and for June, we don't care if it does melt in our hands, because we're having a Chocolate party!

It's the final day to RSVP, so get those chocolate appetizers and beverages (note the 'and': a drink of some kind, alcoholic or not, is required) to me no later than TODAY!, Thursday, 19 June...hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Tea + Finger Sandwiches + Smoked Salmon + Scones + Ginger + Avocado

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