An Error in Judgement

An Error in Judgement

Perhaps choosing to make, rather than order, pizza for our weekly 'Classic Movie & Pizza Night' wasn't such a good idea.

Outside, the temperature is somewhere in the mid-nineties. Inside? Well, the oven's set at 450. I'm sweating while sitting four feet from the air conditioner!!

And in case you're wondering, tonight's 'classic': Monkey Business.

You're invited to another Blog Party...and for June, we don't care if it does melt in our hands, because we're having a Chocolate party!

To RSVP, get those chocolate appetizers and beverages (note the 'and': a drink of some kind, alcoholic or not, is required) to me no later than Thursday, 19 June...hope to see you there!

- Tea For Three
Smoked Salmon Pinwheels We're a family that likes it's tea, as well as appetizers and other nibble-worthy foods, so it only makes sense to serve tea for dinner. My dining room is the worst room for taking pictures, I'm afraid. But, I set...

- Blog Party#35: Chocolate
Happy June, everyone! It's a new month, and that means a new Blog Party theme. Last month's Buffy Bash was absolutely fabulous, but it was a theme some BP'ers weren't entirely familiar, or even comfortable, with. So for our Thirty-Fifth...

- Blog Party#32: Pizza Party!
It's time for another Blog Party! I know, it seems as though we just had a party, right? We're just a fount of fun over here. We fried up a storm last month, so I can understand why you might assume I'd swing over to something terribly...

- I'm Paying For It; Might As Well Use It
Chocolate Scones, from the latest Bon Appetit. Tired...more later. Blog Party#11 is this weekend! This month, it's all about the guys. We're turning our little cocktail party into a Manly affair, so make your favorite guy's favorite appetizers...

- Eoteome:#16: The Da Clucki Code
Sir Teasandwich seeks the Holy Grail. (sorry, just like the Potter edition, I've neither read the book nor seen the movie. And I'm not likely to do either any time soon. This is the best I can do...) Blog Party#11 is here, and this month, it's...

