Blog Party#32: Pizza Party!

Blog Party#32: Pizza Party!

It's time for another Blog Party!

I know, it seems as though we just had a party, right? We're just a fount of fun over here.

We fried up a storm last month, so I can understand why you might assume I'd swing over to something terribly healthy and/or light.

Guess again.

For March, we're taking on the ultimate finger food, albeit one not usually passed around at cocktail parties.

We're having a Pizza Party!

What could be more fun than passing around tiny pies & slices of fabulous pizzas? This is yet another chance to play with your food, to take one of the most favorite foods, and turn it into amazing appetizers?

So, here we go. The usual rules apply, and can be found here.

Anytime between now & Thursday, 20 March, prepare at least one pizza-ish bite and some kind of corresponding beverage. Yes, it's a 'cocktail' party, but that doesn't mean non-drinkers have to be left out. Heck, I don't drink alcohol, but coming up with interesting drinks is one of my favorite parts!

RSVP by sending your URL to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com, no later than 20 March. The party begins Saturday, 22 March, with themed decor & won't want to miss it!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Pizza+ Blogging

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