Blogging by Mail: Send Me An Angel

Blogging by Mail: Send Me An Angel

Hey, BBM'ers. I've done everything I can to track down our last missing packages, but it looks like we have 8 or 9 boxes that never reached their destinations.

I hate the thought of some of you missing out on the fun, so I'm turning to my 'BBM Angels' for help.

Over the past few rounds, a few of you have stepped forward (virtually, of course!) with the offer of sending out a make-up box to those without. It's a small, and wonderful, group, and I adore them.

But this round...with 85 participants...has lead to a bigger number of 'withouts'. Bigger than my body of Angels, I'm afraid!

So I'm asking: if you feel you could put together a box for some poor soul who's been waiting three months for their package, if it would not be a financial strain, please let me know at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Some lonely blogger thanks you, your fellow BBM'ers thank you, and I thank you.

You're invited to another Blog Party...and for June, we don't care if it does melt in our hands, because we're having a Chocolate party!

To RSVP, get those chocolate appetizers and beverages (note the 'and': a drink of some kind, alcoholic or not, is required) to me no later than Thursday, 19 June...hope to see you there!

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