No, please; make my life easier

No, please; make my life easier

I saw this in one of my cooking magazines earlier this month... new digital camera from Olympus features a 'cuisine' setting!

Probably my biggest obstacle in food blogging is taking pictures. Not because I'm inept around cameras (I was a photographer for the high school year book, with no complaints!), but because the one we have is...frankly...a piece of crap.

Our camera seems to have issues. It simply will not take photos of white foods. This means no potatoes, rice, pasta, ice cream...even white sauces.

It 'leans' to the right, as well. Take a picture, within the screen's 'frame', and the picture you end up with is a bit off what you intended.

It's just not a high quality camera, and I want a new one.

The Olympus Stylus 500 may be a bit out of my price range, but I'm making it my goal. One way or another, the camera shall be mine.

I should point out that I do, in fact, use our digital camera for more than just food blogging. I have an adorable toddler and two very cute dogs...we're talking photo ops galore!

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- Please Add To My Wish List
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- Thwarted Again
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- I Know, It's Been Ages
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