I know, it's been ages

I know, it's been ages

It's not that I haven't been cooking; I have. It's more that when I attempt to take a picture, the digital camera is full, or out of batteries.
Or sometimes, the food just isn't that interesting. It happens.

But (oh, a week or so ago) I did make something for the very first time; gnocchi (I had a bunch of punny opening lines, too).

I'd only eaten gnocchi a couple of times prior to this. Once, (horrors!) from a bag in the freezer section of BiLo, and the second time, off Matt's plate at Oliveto's.
Much to your surprise, the frozen gnocchi was awful, the second, not too bad.

But knowing what I do and do not like, I've remained leery of those little potato puffs...I don't like soft pasta; I prefer mine to be on the safe side of al dente.

Just the same, I decided to give them a go, since Matt loves them. I found a recipe in The Cook's Encyclopedia of Vegetarian Cooking.

Pretty simple; if a bit messy!

The recipe only called for the gnocchi to be dressed with a bit of butter and Parmesan. Matt thought it would be better in a blue cheese sauce, and I couldn't think of a good argument against that.

Not the greatest picture; but white on white? Best we're going to get. I should have used one of the Fiestaware bowls. Hindsight; 20/20.


Matt liked it. Sauce was good.

Me? Eeh. Still not crazy about soft dough, though. But see? I'm working on it.

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