Actual Irish Post

Actual Irish Post

File under 'things you should know about Stephanie':

1. My favorite holiday is Halloween

2. My second favorite holiday is St. Patrick's Day.

I am, in fact, Irish (around half), so that makes it even better.

So, for Thursday's dinner, I did my best recreation of the many farmhouse B&B breakfasts Matt and I enjoyed during our honeymoon in Ireland.

I started out by making an incredibly simple White Soda Bread; it's true that we were served considerably more brown bread in Ireland than white, but I just didn't have the time!

Keeping with the 'simple yet hearty' theme, I fried some chopped onion and garlic in a mix of butter and olive oil till soft, then added boiled, sliced, red potatoes, cooking till browned and crispy.

I cooked up some bacon for Matt, while Alex and I had a few slices of Morningstar Farms' veggie bacon.

Scrambled eggs; with Irish cheddar for the two vegetarians in the family, and

a bit of cream, smoked salmon and dill for Matt.

Lovely Kerry Gold Irish butter spread over the soda bread, and a nice hot cuppa tea, with sugar and cream to finish off.

Again, so very easy, but it was vaguely traditional...and brought back some very pleasant memories.

Hope your St. Pat's was just as happy.

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