There Was No Wearin' of the Green, but...

There Was No Wearin' of the Green, but...

When we were in Ireland a few years back, practically every where we ate...from pubs to restaurants to castles...we found ourselves being served a trio of dishes: a simple green salad with a mustard-y dressing, a coleslaw with shredded carrot, and a plate of fries we refer to as 'as big as your head'.

So, to celebrate St. Patrick's day, we decided to re-create what we consider to be a true taste of Irish food. Forget cabbage & corned beef, or green beer (what the heck is that all about, anyway?); instead we had some perfectly crisp fries, and a nice coleslaw...with carrot, of course.

A nice, green, salad; thin slices of red onion and a mustard dressing.

Of course, there had to be soda bread. This isn't exactly like the stuff we were served three or more times a day in Ireland (and Irish readers, if you have a tried-and-true brown bread recipe you'd be willing to share, I'll love you forever, seriously), but it was good.
Spread with real Irish butter, it was almost a meal itself.

Matt also had some bangers, Irish-like sausages, that we picked up at a gourmet market. But they were hardly the star of show.

For dessert, not necessarily traditional, Guinness Gingerbread. More about that later.

My week and a half in Ireland were the most amazing and wonderful days. I tell people 'everything you've ever heard or read or seen about it? It's really like that. The hillsides are really that green, the people are really that friendly, and it truly is the most magical place'.

Our little dinner wasn't an exact copy of the lovely meals we had during our stay, but it did help us reconnect with those memories.

And of course, it just tasted good!

This month, Blog Party's all about the ultimate hand-held food & having a Pizza Party!

Top your pies...full-sized and sliced, or in miniature form...any way you want, pour yourself a drink, and join the party. You have till this Thursday, 20 March, to RSVP...hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Ireland + St. Patrick's Day + Irish + Potatoes + Coleslaw + Soda Bread + Guinness

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