SHF is one week away!

SHF is one week away!

A reminder: Sugar High Friday is next week. One week from today! Have you figured out what molasses-rich dessert you'll make? All the world is waiting to see.

Send me the link to your post when it's up on Friday. And if you don't have a blog, remember that you can just send me your post and I'll host it.

- Final Days Of Blogging By Mail!
Just a reminder: Friday is the last day to join this round of Blogging by Mail. Currently, there are 79 81 82 85 bloggers signed up, which proves to me I wasn't the only one missing this wonderful event! There's still time to get in on the fun,...

- Tom Petty Said It Best...
"The waiting is the hardest part" Still waiting for the camera/computer issue to be worked out (stupid camera). I have a slew of pictures and posts, but have to wait until Matt goes back to work Tuesday (my grandmother has been in town visiting) to make...

- Great, Great Cookies
For my very first Sugar High Friday (!), I give you a multi-generational recipe: Molasses Cookies. I realize molasses cookies aren't an earth-shattering entry. But these cookies have meaning. To us, at least. See, the recipe for these cookies comes...

- Shf: Cacao Nib Gingerbread
This month's Sugar High Friday, the Internet-wide dessert event, finds me in a funny state. I'm the host, but I'm also a first-time participant. Don't tell Jennifer; it'll be our secret. I meant to participate when Clement hosted,...

- Don't Forget!!
...tomorrow is SUGAR HIGH FRIDAY, hosted by none other than - myself :-)! Send me your links on [email protected] or [email protected] - I can't WAIT to see your entries! ...

