

...tomorrow is SUGAR HIGH FRIDAY, hosted by none other than - myself :-)! Send me your links on [email protected] or [email protected] - I can't WAIT to see your entries!

- Leftover Tuesdays: Due Today!
Today is the day to get your Leftover Tuesdays entries can leave a link here in the comments, or send the URL to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. This is your chance to use up those leftovers, the half-empty cans and boxes, and long-forgotten...

- *%!)@&*^$
Our Network connection has been...AWOL. So, no posting. As of this afternoon, things appear to be (almost) back to normal. So, Wartime Wednesdays will be up soon. And don't forget! Tomorrow, Thursday, is the VERY LAST DAY to send in your Blog Party...

- Tom Petty Said It Best...
"The waiting is the hardest part" Still waiting for the camera/computer issue to be worked out (stupid camera). I have a slew of pictures and posts, but have to wait until Matt goes back to work Tuesday (my grandmother has been in town visiting) to make...

- Round Up The Tarts!
Life in Flow has all the tarts from Sugar High Friday #9 wrapped up in one spot; 57 entries! Please check it out....

- Shf Is One Week Away!
A reminder: Sugar High Friday is next week. One week from today! Have you figured out what molasses-rich dessert you'll make? All the world is waiting to see. Send me the link to your post when it's up on Friday. And if you don't have a blog,...

