That Time of the Week

That Time of the Week

SFist Yau ChoyMy latest piece for SFist is up. It's about yau choy, which I had never cooked with before. And thanks go to Winnie for offering expert advice on the vegetable. Here's a link to the post.

A writeup on a dinner party coming soon. I haven't done one of those in a while, I've noticed, so it seems like a good time.

- Bok Choy Salad Recipe
Recently I learned that bok choy is the number one vegetable in China. It seems to be the number one vegetable in my CSA box lately. It's a very healthy vegetable with a ton of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K plus and is even a good source of calcium...

- Baby Bok Choy Recipe
Isn't baby bok choy appealing? It has such a graceful, almost elegant look about it. I cooked up some baby bok choy from my organic produce delivery just last night and it was as delicious to eat as it was pretty to look at. Bok choy is in the same...

- Green Garlic On Sfist
Green garlic. My latest piece for SFist. Click here to read it....

- Sfist 03/01/05
I'm at a wine writers' conference at the moment, but I wanted to make a quick post to let you all know that my latest SFist piece is up. Here's the link....

- Roving Sfistian
Neat. How this happened is somewhat convoluted, but I will now be writing a weekly "what's up at the farmer's markets" post for SFist, the ultimate guide to all things Bay Area. The entries will focus on seasonal ingredients and what to do with...

