Baby Bok Choy Recipe

Baby Bok Choy Recipe

Isn't baby bok choy appealing? It has such a graceful, almost elegant look about it. I cooked up some baby bok choy from my organic produce delivery just last night and it was as delicious to eat as it was pretty to look at. Bok choy is in the same family as cabbage but has a milder flavor. It's a good source of both vitamin C, vitamin A and calcium. It's available year round, though Fall and Winter are when it is most prevalent. Because it is so widely available and inexpensive to boot, it makes a good vegetable to get to know.

Baby bok choy is easy and fast to cook, just stir fry, steam or saute it. The delicate flavor shouldn't be overshadowed by heavy sauces; it's delicious plain or with a splash of Chinese flavorings such as soy sauce, oyster sauce or garlic. You can serve it whole or sliced up, but I find cutting it into halves or even quarters is easiest. You want the crispy base to cook quickly so the leafy greens don't overcook.

I realize I haven't posted any recipes in a while. The truth is I've been working on a special recipe development project and it's been taking up both my time and my creative juices. But last night I took a break and threw together a Chinese inspired meal. I dare say the baby choy might have been the tastiest treat, definitely a keeper as far as the recipe went. So here goes...

Tasty Baby Bok Choy
serves 2-3


4-6 baby bok choy
1 Tablespoon mild flavored oil (canola, grapeseed or rice bran)
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tablespoons chicken broth ( or vegetable broth, if vegetarian)
1 Tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
Sesame oil


Rinse the bok choy throughly to get all the grit off. Do not dry. Cut each bok choy into quarters, lengthwise. Heat a medium non-stick skillet. Add the garlic and the bok choy. Stir fry for about two minutes over medium heat. Add the broth, soy and sugar and continue cooking, covered for a minute then uncover and let the liquid reduce. When tender-crisp sprinkle with a little sesame oil and serve.


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