Sustainable Table

Sustainable Table

I just got a press release about Sustainable Table, a website that helps home cooks and parents choose sustainable food and cook it. It comes from the same people who brought The Meatrix to the internets and who started The Eat Well Guide as a tool for finding sustainable growers and producers near you. Sustainable Table looks like a decent site (even if it is Flash heavy).

- Weekend In Monterey
This weekend I went down to Monterey, on the central coast. It's picture postcard beautiful with dramatic wispy Cypress pines, a rocky shoreline and plenty of sea birds and seals. The aquarium is a must-see. It was one of the first aquariums to focus...

- Is Organic As Good As It Gets?
An interesting thing happened when I wrote about Safeway introducing a line of organic products. Not everybody who read the announcement thought it was a good thing. Now Wal-Mart has made plans to introduce a line of organic products, with the goal of...

- A Gourmet Event
If you've been reading Gourmet magazine lately, you've probably noticed their increasing coverage of locally grown produce and sustainable agriculture. Now in conjunction with Grand Marnier, Gourmet magazine is hosting an event focused on these...

- Just Food Benefit
My good friend Amy sent me this press release, and I wanted to pass it along to you. The Ashoka Youth Venture programs I've seen her organize have been really interesting: Grassroots food justice programs helping low-income neighborhoods in creative...

- What Was That Cheddar?
Those readers who actually read the entire account of our staggering Thanksgiving feast might remember that I couldn't remember the name of the bandaged wrapped cheddar. Well, this month's Bon App&3233;tit may have saved the day. It features...

