Just Food Benefit

Just Food Benefit

My good friend Amy sent me this press release, and I wanted to pass it along to you. The Ashoka Youth Venture programs I've seen her organize have been really interesting: Grassroots food justice programs helping low-income neighborhoods in creative ways. Here's a link to the event information.

It is with great excitement that I introduce you to A Night to Benefit JUST FOOD- a fundraising event for JUST FOOD, a program that Ashoka’s Youth Venture San Francisco Bay Area will be launching this Fall in collaboration with the Earth Island Institute. JUST FOOD will support teams of young people as they start their own sustainable social ventures surrounding the theme of food justice, and connect them into a powerful global network. I hope that you will attend our fundraising event on July 30th at 6:30pm. Please see the attached 2-page invitation to register and to learn more about Mollie Katzen and James Berk, our two award-winning guest speakers for the evening.

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