Eat, Drink, and Be Charitable

Eat, Drink, and Be Charitable

Nothing builds an appetite like giving to charity, don't you think? Fortunately, a couple of upcoming Bay Area events allow you to eat food, drink wine, and contribute to the community.

My good friend Tim is very involved with San Leandro's Davis Street Family Resource Center, and he sent me a note about an event they're having on October 8th. The event features a wine tasting and art auction, and local artists will be showing off their work up and down Bancroft Avenue. Wines will change halfway through the event, though Tim will get back to me on which bottles you can expect. Buy tickets at Zocalo Coffeehouse (if you see Tim or Mitch, the owners, say hi for me).

And don't forget about the Taste of Petaluma festival on October 21. Restaurants and other local food producers will be showing off their best work for ticket holders. I'll be one of the judges, so you can come boo or applaud my choices, all while helping the town's Cinnabar Theater.

- Beer, Bacon, Chocolate, Cheese + Ticket Giveaway!
One of the benefits of writing about food is being asked to judge and attend foodie events. Here are some of my top picks for this weekend and next, including two events I’ll be attending.  San Jose Beer and Bacon ClassicThis is a new event that...

- The Golden Glass 2009
If you haven't yet discovered outstanding organic and biodynamic wines, this is your chance. Golden Glass wine event benefiting Slow Food San Francisco is a terrific event I've had the pleasure of attending the last two year. The focus is on...

- Twice As Winey
There are two events I am really sorry to be missing this year. But my vacation is long overdue and so it goes. Both are wine events, benefits for really great causes and are not expensive to attend. Please go and enjoy them in my place. Both of the...

- The Rebirth Of Zocalo
Photo by melissa nicole. My dear friend Tim Holmes recently reopened Zocalo Coffeehouse in San Leandro after a four-month renovation (see my description of the original here). The results (according to Melissa, who went to the reopening festivities)...

- Zocalo
It is not uncommon now to read stories of people fleeing the technology industry and exploring second careers. But, usually, they're doing so because they got laid off from a dot-com job and have run out of options. Far rarer to find someone...

