Spaghetti with Chorizo & Almonds

Spaghetti with Chorizo & Almonds

Still mining my magazines, this fantastic dish came from a recent Gourmet. This recipe treats the spaghetti like rice, and it's amazing.

I made two versions. One pot for Matt, the other for me. No way I was missing out on this.

Thinly sliced garlic is just browned, then removed from oil. Slices of chorizo go in next. Matt's was the real deal, while I tried out a Mexican chipotle vegetarian sausage I'd bought some months at Earth Fare. I do have Soyrizo kicking around, but it was the wrong kind (!). No worries, this stuff rocked.
The sausage also gets lightly browned, and taken out. There's some sauteeing of onions, and adding of broken-up spaghetti (fideos were called for, but this works jsut fine). Once the pasta's had time to soak up some of that oily goodness, a broth (vegetable for us) boiled with saffron is added. Cover, and let the whole mess cook for a bit.
When the liquid's been absorbed, stir in the garlic, chorizo, some chickpeas, parsley, and sliced & toasted almonds. Eat. Look down at the bowl in amazement, wonder where it all went. Head back to the kitchen for more. Repeat as necessary.

Celebrate Blog Party's Two-Year Anniversary! That's right, this month brings us Blog Party#24, and this time, it's all about you. It's Blogger's Choice! Make any kind of appetizer AND cocktail, and get those entries to me no later than Thursday, 19 July. Let's make this party the best one yet!

Blogging by Mail sign-ups are going on now! The latest round of goody-swapping is all about My Favorite Things. You have till 5 July to join the fun...

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Chorizo + Vegetarian + Pasta + Recipes + Almonds + Gourmet

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