Search On Food and Cooking

Search On Food and Cooking

Harold McGee has been working with Google to provide a search tool for On Food and Cooking, the must-have book for every cook's shelf. His search field appears on the right side of the site, and the results appear on the right side of the Google Search site. (Don't use the search field at the top of the Google Books page; that's a generic Google Books search.)

- Monday Morning Update
1. Thanks to Food Blogga for awarding Cooking with Amy the excellent blog award! I don't mean to brag, but to alert you to some other excellent blogs. You really you should check out all of Food Blogga's picks. There were several I never heard...

- Search Away
Some day I hope to have tabs on this site so that you will be able to find specific things like restaurants, cookbooks and recipes, of course. For now, I am pleased to announce the addition of a Search Field. On the left hand column after Syndicate...

- Conversion Limbo
This conversion from Blogger to WordPress isn't going very well. The main problem at this point is that Blogger's export of posts cuts off after about 3 megs, or about one-eighth of my content. Meanwhile, Google has taken away my ability to post...

- Harold Mcgee's Blog
A great moment for cooking geeks everywhere. Harold McGee has a blog. His On Food and Cooking is one of the few books that I believe should be on every cook's shelf, so I'll be adding this one to my RSS reader. Thanks to Tana for mentioning it...

- Gourmet Guinea Pig
Hmm, I wonder how many people will end up here as a result of a Google search, looking for recipes for cooking guinea pig? Heh - well sorry, that's NOT what this is about! You see, as you all know by now, I am a foodie. Naturally, things rub off when...

