Search Away

Search Away

Some day I hope to have tabs on this site so that you will be able to find specific things like restaurants, cookbooks and recipes, of course. For now, I am pleased to announce the addition of a Search Field.

On the left hand column after Syndicate and before the Archives you can now enter any search term you like. So if you want to find that plum cake recipe I posted back in September, just enter plum, and low and behold every post that mentions plums will appear.

It's by no means perfect, but I think this works rather well. I hope you find it useful!



- Zagat Survey
It's that time again. If you register with Zagat, then rate three or more San Francisco restaurants, you will receive a free copy of their popular guidebook. The survey has been streamlined this year and it's much easier to fill out. This year...

- Calories In Bubble Tea?
Ever wonder how people end up at Cooking with Amy? I do, so I take a look at the referring pages, as they are known. Plenty of times readers find my site when searching for information on the internet. Just this week searches for "cooking turkey legs",...

- Plum Cake Redux Recipe
I love the taste and texture of cooked plums. Plum jam is mouth-puckeringly delicious. Somehow when the plums cook, they concentrate and the richness, sweetness and tanginess all intensifies into something much more decadent than the raw version. Even...

- Yum:software
As I have mentioned before, I LOVE cookbooks. But cookbooks have their physical limitations. They get messy. They can be hard to keep open and cook from at the same time. And who hasn't made something from a recipe, enjoyed it, then at a later date,...

- New Recipe Search Engine
Thought you all might be interested in this press release for a new recipe search engine called FoodieView. I just took a quick look and it looks pretty good. It seems to cover quite a few sites including Epicurious, Recipezaar, About, AOL (which includes...

