

As I have mentioned before, I LOVE cookbooks. But cookbooks have their physical limitations. They get messy. They can be hard to keep open and cook from at the same time. And who hasn't made something from a recipe, enjoyed it, then at a later date, forgotten the source of the recipe? The San Francisco Chronicle food section has a whole column dedicated to trying to search for long lost recipes...well I have found the perfect solution. I have been using an application called Yum! and it gives me the perfect way to save recipes. Here is what the creator says about it:

Yum!" is a recipe collection application featuring:

* Dynamic searching of all text - found set of recipes updated as you type the search terms.
* Indexing by category - each recipe can belong to any number of user-defined categories.
* Several printing options - 1 recipe, all recipes, selected recipes, all recipes in selected category, found recipes. Let's face it, who can afford to have the computer itself in the kitchen and operate it with flour and eggs all over their hands?
* Recipe text can be fully formatted including fonts, styles, paragraph settings, and even graphics (copy and paste, or drag and drop) so that pictures of your recipes can be included anywhere within the recipe text.
* Recipes can be imported from MasterCook export files, or from other Yum! files, and can be exported to Yum! files or to text files.

This is a wonderful application for Mac OS X that I highly recommend, and you can find more information at:


If you are not using Mac OS X I still recommend using some kind of recipe collection application on your computer. It rarely takes more than a minute or two to enter a recipe and you'll never have to go searching for it again. Also, you can keep your cookbooks neat and clean by printing just the recipe that you want, when you want it, instead of cracking open your cookbook each time. You can also make changes to recipes without having to scribble in your cookbooks. Last but not least, having a digital version of all the recipes you love means you are in essence creating your own personal cookbook of favorite recipes, that is very easy to save or transport or browse or share or publish or...

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