Belated Meme

Belated Meme

A couple of weeks ago, Lyn tagged me for a meme.

I was crazy-busy, so I had to put it on hold.

I'm almost back to normal now, so here you go:


Where do you obtain the recipes you prepare?

Good grief; everywhere! I have more cookbooks than shelf space. I get six cooking magazines. I find recipes on other blogger's sites, and of course, I troll recipe sites all the time, looking for new things to try.

How often do you cook a new recipe

I've noticed that I've gotten into the habit of only making new recipes. I so rarely repeat these days, to the point where I can barely remember what my 'signature' dishes are!

Where do you store your favourite recipes?

I have some in a recipe box I purchased at Sur La Table some years ago, others (printed from the 'Net) are either (properly) stored in labeled folders, or (improperly) lying on top of my cookbooks.

How large is your recipe pile? Is it organized? How

Big. Huge-big. And no organization, really. I may pick out a few and clip them to my cupboard doors (nice thing about having old, metal cabinets: you can use magnets to keep recipes close by!), but that's about it.

What is the oldest recipe in your to try pile?

I have no idea. I'm pretty sure I still have some recipes waiting for a try-out that I printed when we were still living in California, and we left almost four years ago.

Are you really ever going to make all those recipes in your to try pile?

I hope to. Whether or not I will? Who knows!?

Do you follow a recipe exactly or modify as you go

I suppose that, generally, I will follow a recipe as printed the first time through. Sometimes, though, I'll change a few things before I start...especially if it includes ingredients we don't like!

But once I've done it the way it's written, I'm likely to fiddle around with it some.

What is one new recipe that you're scared to try?

I really want to make croissants. I have eight or nine recipes, from different sources, for making them. but I haven't gotten up the nerve to try it yet. I miss the croissants we used to get from the Rockridge stores, and nothing we've found around here compares.

One day, I hope to, with a very light hand, of course!, tackle a croissant recipe. I just don't know when!

Tag at least one new food blogger for this meme ("new" as in only blogging a few months)

I think you know how I feel about tagging...

Tag at least one food blogger you visit regularly but never interacted with:

See above.

Tag at least one food blogger you constantly visit and leave comments:


Tag anyone else you want: And again.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Memes + Recipes

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