Sci-Fi Party Tie-In

Sci-Fi Party Tie-In

So, this month's Blog Party is coming soon (less than a week left to send those entries in!), and I thought I'd give you a little something to get you in the sci-fi frame of mind.

Matt's best friend, no stranger to the world of sci-fi himself, is a bit of a film maker. He does really good work (oh, if only I had a copy of the Pepsi commercial...).

Which is why I'm sharing it with you.

Keep in mind, clicking on these links will mean AUDIO, so if you're at work? Wait till you're home, my friend. I'm all in favor of keeping you gainfully employed.

First, a wonderful flick titled "Cheap Seats". If you're a Star Wars fan (and hey...who isn't?), you're going to love this.

Next, a very short, but funny, remake of "My Name is Earl"...with a Sci-Fi twist. Just a trailer, but good.

Finally, while not exactly falling under the heading of science fiction, I really think you'll like this mockumentary, "Wheeled Migration". Touching...I almost needed a tissue.

Hope you like them, and have a great weekend...

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