Bloomin' Magic

Bloomin' Magic

After seeing Elise's post about Adagio Teas, I knew I had to buy some for Matt as a Valentine's Day gift.

I also knew that if the box arrived early, I would not be able to wait till the 14th to give it to him! (I'm terrible when it comes to gifts...I have no problem waiting for someone to give to me, but if I have something to give to them? The wait kills me!)

I held out as long as I could, finally breaking down Sunday afternoon.

A jasmine bloom and a red bloom; your 'tea' is actually a hand-rolled flower. It's just a little ball!

When activated by hot water, it opens to reveal a beautiful flower which then flavors your tea.

The finished product.

Pretty neat, isn't it? And Matt says it's a really nice Jasmine tea, too...

Blog Party#7 is coming up, and this month? It's all about Red and Hot! Your cocktail and appetizer entries are due this Thursday, 16 February...send them to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com, or leave a link in the comment section. Get planning, and hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Events, Tea, Valentine's Day, Gifts, Blogging

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