Sugar High Friday 16: Recipe for Love

Sugar High Friday 16: Recipe for Love

I almost missed this one! It was just Thursday night that I realized Sugar High Friday was upon us, and I had absolutely nothing planned. Crap.

With very little time, and not much in the way of inspiration or planning, I tried to think about what exactly an 'aphrodisiac' is. Most of the foods that came to mind were savory, so that wouldn't work. There's the usual strawberries, and there's nothing wrong with them, but I just didn't' know what to do to make them interesting.

So I thought about what 'works' for Matt. Things he likes.

And what I know is this: he loves ginger, and he loves chocolate.

Now that's easy. How about Chocolate-Covered Crystalized Ginger?

So, that's what I did. Lovely slices of crystalized ginger, dipped in melted semi-sweet chocolate. Yum.

How well did it work??? Like I'm gonna tell...!

Blog Party#7 is coming up, and this month? It's all about Red and Hot! Your cocktail and appetizer entries are due in less than a week, 16 February...send them to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com, or leave a link in the comment section. Get planning, and hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Events, SHF#16, Chocolate, Recipe, Ginger, Love, Aphrodisiac, Blogging

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