I'm not saying it's the key to her heart, but Stephanie... she likes cheese sandwiches

I'm not saying it's the key to her heart, but Stephanie... she likes cheese sandwiches

(apologies to Joss Whedon, et al)

Because I'm such a joiner, here's my cheese sandwich, or better known as Panini Caprese.

Pesto, fresh mozzarella, and tomato, grilled on rosemary ciabatta (calls for focaccia, but I'm out of semolina); just fantastic. And so easy. Yum.

Blog Party#7 is coming up, and this month? It's all about Red and Hot! Your cocktail and appetizer entries are due NOW!...send them to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com, or leave a link in the comment section. Get planning, and hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Events, Cheese Sandwich, Pesto, Panini, Tomato, Blogging,

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