Retro Recipe Challenge #11: Your Mother Should Know

Retro Recipe Challenge #11: Your Mother Should Know


Yes, I really am insane.

Because I've agreed to take on hosting duties for another blog event!

Seriously, though, I was flattered when Laura Rebecca asked if I'd be interested in taking a turn.

It's an event I really enjoy, but often lose track of. I figured I'd be less likely to miss it if I were hosting, right?

So, the Retro Recipe Challenge is about making something from a recipe from a certain time period. There's usually a 'between this and that' year guideline, or a 'before this' to follow.

For my turn at the helm, I'm picking a rather subjective theme. For the eleventh Retro Recipe Challenge, we're choosing & making Your Mother Should Know: Recipes That Were Popular Before Your Mother Was Born.

So, any recipe from any year before your mother was born...that's it!

It can be a drink, bread, dessert, starter, soup, main course...whatever you want. As long as it's from a published source prior to your mother's year of birth, it's good.

So, find a recipe from before your mom was born (some may have to do some research, as there are women who 'mysteriously' never age past their thirties), make it, photograph & post, and get it to me by Saturday, 26 April.
You can leave a comment on any post, or send the URL to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.

Of course, if you have any questions, please ask.

Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Retro Recipe Challenge + Events + Blogging

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