Blogging by Mail: Almost, but Not Quite

Blogging by Mail: Almost, but Not Quite

So, most of the packages...79 out of 85...have shipped. But it's now three weeks past the ship-by date, and there's 6 unaccounted for.

Below is a list of blogs that, as far as I know, have not yet shipped their boxes. If you see your blog there and have in fact mailed out your package, this is a reminder to Let Me Know.
If you haven't, consider it a gentle kick to the nether regions. We want everyone to get their box, and that will only happen if all packages go out (and the various postal services are kind to us).

Also, if you haven't yet posted about a received package, please do so and let me know!!!

And let's do our best to make short work of this list, ok?

Girls on a Grill-Katie's Blog

Heaven on Earth


PrettyBaking in Israel

Rachel's Bite

Sugar & Spice

Invites to April's Blog Party are out, and this month we're celebrating our favorite Diner, Street, and Pub foods by fancy-ing them up and turning them into appetizers!

Your favorite virtual cocktail party is taking to the streets, or rather, our food is.

RSVP by Thursday, 17 April...and I hope to see you there!

I'm hosting the latest Retro Recipe Challenge, and this time, it's all about Mom!

Pick a recipe from a year before your mother was born (thank you John, Paul, George & Ringo) and send those URL's in by Saturday, 26 April. So, tie up those apron strings, paste a pretty smile on your face, and get cooking!

- Horseshoe Heart Attack
So, Friday night, as I sat on the couch still recovering from the latest Battlestar Galactica episode, I found myself channel surfing. I needed fluff, nothing demanding actual brain activity (Ron & David, you're in Joss territory now). I found...

- The Donna Hay Way
Rocket & Parmesan Couscous Salad; DH New Food Fast You know those nights when you want 'real' food for dinner, but don't want to be stuck with anything resembling 'real' cooking, or the corresponding dishes? When faced with one...

- Bbm: Little Things---who's Signed Up
Sign-ups are now CLOSED. 85 bloggers signed up!! 83 boxes have shipped...2 to go!!! 80 boxes have arrived!!!! 28 Cooks Package has shipped!! Abby Sweets Package has shipped!! Package has arrived!!! A Craving for Perfection Package has arrived!!! Package...

- Blogging By Mail: Holiday Edition; What's Up
Well, I'm happy to report that almost all packages have shipped, and the majority of them have reached their destinations! However, we're still waiting for a few boxes to trickle in (overseas shipping can be a killer), and unfortunately, I do...

- Blogging By Mail; So Far
Though you can keep track of all the packages by clicking on the Blogging by Mail icon located near the top my sidebar, I thought I'd give everyone an update on how we're doing. 25 out, 8 in....64 unaccounted for. 2 Girls in the Kitchen Package...

