Retro Recipe Challenge #3: Never Ask a Lady Her True Age

Retro Recipe Challenge #3: Never Ask a Lady Her True Age

Risotto al Salto-The Octopus Club

Fried Risotto with Gruyere and Truffle Filling

I finally made it to a Retro Recipe Challenge!!

Laura Rebecca has hosted two previous events, and I completely missed out on both. I wasn't missing another.

This time, we were to make a retro recipe somewhere within five years of our birth year.

You can always find out if you want, but let's say that 1975 is within five years, on either side, of the year I entered the world!

From one of the massive, hard cover volumes of Gourmet I own

which is colorfully decorated with sticky tabs (must-make-markers)

it's a wonderful risotto, cooled, spread thinly over a clarified buttered pan, then topped with Gruyere and white truffle shavings; top with another thin layer of risotto, and cook until the bottom is browned and crispy. Invert, and repeat.

Must I go through the formality of saying this was fabulous? Risotto, which is good. Gruyere, also good. White truffles, decadent. Put them together, and fry them?


Plus, this recipe came from one of my favorite sections of Gourmet, 'You Asked for it'!

Thanks for giving me a reason to make this, Laura Rebecca!

Blog Party#15 is this weekend, and this month, we're hitting the books! That's right, we're taking inspiration from our favorite stories and turning them into appetizers and cocktails! Post your dishes no later than THIS Thursday, 19 October...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 21st. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Retro Recipe Challenge + Events + Retro + Rice + Cheese + Cookbooks + Gourmet

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